Commercial Property
We understand that the property has a net internal area of approximately 2,724 sq.ft. (252.90 sq.m.). We have not undertaken a measured survey and all interested parties should seek their own verification as to dimensions and areas.
The premises are located at the corner of Kingsley Avenue and Hallwood Road within a predominately residential environment within North Kettering. The property is considered to occupy a good potential catchment area for future trade.Kettering is a busy Northamptonshire town situated just off the A43 and being approximately 15 miles north of Northampton.
On Behalf of Joint LPA Receivers
The property comprises a semi detached premises with rear single storey extensions, with a mixture of slate pitched roofs and flat felted roofs. There are also a range of outbuildings within the small enclosed rear courtyard along with a garage and further outbuilding off Hallwood Road. Internally, the premises has a 'L' shaped sales area, with storage areas to both the rear and side including wc facilities, with access to the courtyard and basement.
Commercial Investment
A Freehold Retail Premises currently operating as a convenience store, but considered suitable for a variety other retail uses, subject to obtaining the appropriate planning consent
We understand that the property is Freehold.At the time of going to print, whilst there is currently a Tenant in occupation, they have indicated that they wish to leave as soon as possible and negotiations in respect of their surrender are ongoing with vacant possession expected before completion. The current Lease does provide for a landlord only break option of not less than 2 weeks notice. Full and further details relating to this are available from the Auctioneer's office.
Full details relating to VAT will be contained within the Special Conditions of Sale within the legal pack.
Strictly by arrangement with the Auctioneers. Please contact Ian Tudor on 0121 237 4850.