Commercial Property
The property occupies a through site with frontages to both Whittimere Street and Intown Row, approximately a third of a mile from the heart of Walsall Town Centre, near the Walsall Library and Museum and with three pay and display car parks either immediately adjoining or opposite the subject property.
The property comprises a predominately two storey period building of brick construction, surmounted by a variety of pitch and flat roofs. The property is currently used as a performance venue, but is considered suitable for a variety of alternative uses, subject to any appropriate planning permission.
Commercial Investment
A Spacious Freehold Entertainment Venue Investment Property considered suitable for redevelopment for a variety of alternative uses, subject to obtaining the appropriate planning permission
Current Rent Passing: £25,000 pa. Rising to £30,000 pa. in August 2016
We understand that the property is Freehold and subject to a Lease for 5 years to Multi Media Arts Project Ltd, with effect from August 2014. The current rent passing is £25,000 per annum, increasing to £30,000 per annum in August 2016.
We have not had sight of the Lease documentation, but a copy will be available for inspection within the legal pack.
We understand that VAT will not be chargeable upon this transaction.
Strictly by arrangement with the Auctioneers. Please contact Ian Tudor on 0121 237 4850.