The land is located at the junction of Laburnum Avenue and Church Hill (B6018) in the Bentinck area of Kirkby in Ashfield, lying on the outskirts of the town about one mile to the south-west of the town centre. The area provides all local facilities and is essentially an existing residential locality.
The site is broadly square in shape and level. It has an approximate frontage of 35 metres to either frontage and therefore extends to about 0.3 acres. It is assumed that all mains services are available for connection within the public road but interested parties should make their own enquiries of the utility authorities.
The land has the benefit of outline planning permission for residential development in the form of 5 x 2/3 bedroomed town houses and 2 x 2 bedroomed apartments/flats together with on-site parking. A site layout plan is illustrated.
Planning permission was granted on appeal by the Planning Inspectorate (reference APP/W3005/W/15/3128972) dated 6th February 2016. There is a Section 106 open space contribution of £3,000 per dwelling payable to Ashfield District Council before the first occupation of the development site.
Freehold. Vacant possession upon completion.